Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow is like manna from heaven...

By no coincidence at all were the pioneers divinely guided to establish the restored church in the Salt Lake Valley. The prophetic words uttered by Brigham Young, "This is the right place" still hold true today. With the church now more than 12 million members strong, it's headquarters remain anchored just west of the Wasatch.
As I sat, trapped behind a desk and keyboard, an arctic storm blew endless swirling snowflakes past my window. The ski and snow reports gave thanks to the snow gods for over two feet of fresh powder.. as it kept pouring down like manna from heaven.
After all, snow comes to us directly from the heavens. It's white, it's pure, contendably perfect in every way.. and it's amazingly beautiful. The snowflake, next to woman, I would deem to be one of God's finest creations. They are intricate, they are unique, and they are works of art. Is it any wonder that these blessings from above come in greater quality and quantity to our mountain range than any other in the world? The fact is widely known and universally accepted. Our license plates claim it, Ski Magazine publishes it, and every human being that has ever had the privilege to float weightlessly somewhere between heaven and earth on a glistening powder field knows it.
As logically as I've come to understand many truths in my life, none seem more clear to me than the one that struck me one insufferable Friday morning. God is good, and He blesses those He loves. Yes, God is good, and God is a skier.


MiaReneeski said...

Amen, sister!

the Kasallis family said...

God is all powerful. He must be the best skier in the world. No, scratch that... he's the best skier in the whole universe. And it must be nice to just get to the top of the hill without waiting in a lift line, or sitting on a freezing chair lift.


reefdiver said...

does He use current model skis or an eternal model? does He ski uphill as well as downhill?

Fletch said...

Amen again! The other day, I attempted a lincoln loop for the first time off of some crazy jump at snow bird. I don't know exactly what happened, but my body was flying in every direction, except for the intended one. God was with me! He must have been skiing too, cause I didn't die that day.